“1X2” (“1H2”) is a bookmaker’s market, which implies a bet on the outcome of an event, taking into account the safety net. In the list, the bookmaker sets up three positions within the market:
- “1X” – the hosts will not lose: the match will end either with the victory of the first team or a draw.
- “X2” – the guests will not lose: the match will end either with the victory of the second team or a draw.
- “12” – there will be no draw: the match will end with the victory of one of the teams.
This market is characterized by a low level of risk, but bookmakers often put a huge margin into it, which significantly lowers quotes and makes the market unprofitable. This position is often referred to as “Double Chance” by players but is rarely used in the game. Exceptions are bets in favor of an outsider, where an outcome with a draw is allowed.

The probability of a draw
It is football matches that have an approximately 33% chance of ending in a draw if the teams are approximately equal in terms of training. Players in teams are also often chosen in approximately the same way. It should also be taken into account the fact that in many leagues and championships, the game is practiced from the defense. All these factors contribute to the end of matches in a draw.
In the table, you can see the approximate odds of a draw in the leagues of different countries. And although it is better to collect your statistics, nevertheless, the data in the table suggests that the probability of a draw remains quite high, which can be used to make a profit in bets.
When predicting a draw, consider the statistics of each team’s games, the average number of goals scored per match, the composition of the teams, the physical condition of key players, and their motivation.
A few effective strategies
Consider the most popular strategies for a draw:
- Double bet. The player makes 2 bets – on a draw and total odd, that is, an odd number of goals scored. The result is the so-called. fork. By trading through a betting exchange, you can close the sure bet so that you can make a profit no matter what the outcome. If you make bets through a bookmaker, you can also make CashOut (early withdrawal of money from a bet) or wait for the end of the match.
- Flat. The player simply bets the same size on a draw. At a distance, 1 bet out of 3 wins. You can start betting after 1-2 losses on paper, increasing your chances.
- Martingale method. A risky option, when in case of losing a bet, the size of the next one increases. You need patience, iron endurance, and a large deposit (gaming bank).
- 2 out of 5. We work with 5 matches, where the weak favorite will play on the wrong field, and the teams are approximately equal in strength. Now we need to make all possible combinations of double accumulators using data from 5 matches. The size of the bet for each accumulator must be the same. By guessing at least 2 accumulator bets out of 5, the player makes a profit.
Why is it important to know all the decoding of bets in bookmakers
Most of the players lose only because they operate the lines of the main outcomes and totals. In such markets, the bookmaker’s line is balanced and it is difficult to take an advantageous position. Things are different if the bettor looks deep into the line and notices obvious distortions in the market for interconnected bets and specific types of bets.
Detailed analytics of the betting line will tell you what to expect in the match more clearly than a dozen statistical resources. Notation is the language of the bookmaker, with the help of which he communicates with the player. Therefore, it is so important to know the decoding of each outcome in the BC line.
In live, where the ultimate concentration and high decision-making speed are required from the bettor, the responsibility increases. Therefore, it is important to operate with the subtleties and nuances of notation, reading the possible scenario of the match along the way.
Deciphering rates: how to understand
Just as professionals cannot do without calculators for calculating bets, so novice bettors cannot do without deciphering bet outcomes. The more knowledgeable the bettor is, the easier it is for him to argue with the bookmaker. Especially if there are conflict situations in the calculation of rates.
In addition, if you know the symbols in football betting well, then other sports will easily submit, where the basic description of events is based on well-known symbols.
The advantage of betting on a draw is a fairly frequent outcome of the match, which means that by analyzing it is possible to predict this event. Also, be aware of the high odds. The disadvantage is difficult predictability at the start and finish of competition seasons.